1. On a daily basis, there are many types of media that are involved. Throughout the day, I use the computer for schoolwork, instant messaging, going on social networking websites (Facebook and Myspace). When I am not tied down with endless amounts of homework, I also watch television. I also use my cell phone- it is pretty much attached to me like an umbilical cord. Sometimes while I write papers, I have my music going on the computer. I also play music when I am cleaning my room or driving in my car. Especially if I am by myself, I need background noise! I am constantly texting people. If on a given day, I am to go to an unfamiliar place, I will use my gps unit, to help me navigate my way to the destination. I definitely don't use the same types of technology now, as I did when I was younger (5, 10), but I sort of do the same thing now as I did when I was 15- just in a greater magnitude now.
2. Watching Tv- over the course of a week, maybe 2-3 hours of television (especially during the semester). I watch more over the summer.
do math or other calculation- based homework= I need peace and quite in order to determine what numbers I need to be calculating and what I need to figure out. Math is not a favorite subject of mine, so it is surprising that I am able to sit at the table and just do the math work without any media interruption. The only type of media that I would use to do math problems would be a calculator. I definitely need a calculator!
reading assignments= Again, I need peace and quiet. In order for me to read something and understand it, in its entirety, I can't have any background noise.
compose a paper (answers may be different for drafting, revising + editing= When composing a paper, I need different things during each stage of the game. During the drafting stage of writing, I need some sort of background noise, in order to help me get motivated to type and get my mind going. Usually, I'll put on the radio or start texting/IM'ing people to help me get ideas. During the revision and editing process, I cannot have any media surrounding me. I need quiet in order to think about what corrections need to be made and where things can be moved around in my paper.
studying for an exam= When studying for an exam, I tend to use the book that the professor told me to buy. Sometimes if I need further clarification on a given concept, I will use the computer and do a Google search to further my knowledge.
conduct research/ find references= When conducting research and looking for resources, I first go onto the web, and see what reliable websites I can find. Then, after finding those websites, I tend to go to the library of either my town or Keans' and then do a topic search. Once a topic search is done, I'll go to the library and read through the books for further information for my topic.
4. Media associated with how I do the following everyday tasks:
drive= While driving I definitely need the radio on, and sometimes I need the gps unit, if I am going to a place that I've never been to before. I will definitely have my cell phone with me, and because I'm driving, I won't be texting, but instead, I'll be on the bluetooth talking to someone, just to have the sound of someone's voice while i'm in the car.
eat a meal by yourself= typically, If I'm eating by myself, I'll usually have a book or magazine on the table while I eat, and something to occupy myself while eating alone- it can get very lonely. I'll also have my cell phone near by and will most likely be texting while eating.
eat with your family/friends= While eating with family and friends, I try not to have any type of media around me. If I have anything, its only my cell phone, which as I mentioned above, I have on me at all times.
household chores (cooking, cleaning, household repairs, work on your car)- As mentioned above, while I am cleaning the house or my room, I tend to have music on in the background. I need some kind of upbeat noise in order to focus on the tedious task of cleaning. While cooking, I don't have any media because I need to make sure my measurements of ingredients come out right and that the food tastes good!
5. In my free time, I am usually text messaging people, instant messaging people, on Myspace or Facebook, sometimes reading a book or magazine, etc. I can't just sit in a room and be silent. I need some sort of background noise to keep me from going bored.
Analyzing your patterns for attending:
a) I would rate myself on a scale of 1-5, coming in at a 4. I tend to do more than one thing at a time. I guess you can say that I a hyper-attentive person. I tend to be doing more than one thing at a time.
b) School activities= 2
living/ household activities= 4
relaxation activities= 4
Overall: 10
10/3= 3.33
c)My overall pattern for attending is a 4. I tend do more than one thing at a time. I am a hyper-attentive person.
6. Questions to think about:
a) I am most likely to use hyper-attention when I am doing things unrelated to school work. When I am doing school work, I tend to give it my all and only focus on one thing at once. If I am doing something other than school work, I am a multi-tasker all the way!
b) I'm not sure why the range of numbers is so drastic. When doing school work I deep-attentive, but when I am doing anything besides school stuff, I am more hyper-attentive.
c)With school work, I had the most consistent results. It doesn't matter if I am writing a paper, studying for a test, or just doing math problems, I tend to be deep-attentive. Everything relating to school would be rated with a lower number, rather than a higher number. I think this is so because I want to do my best in school, and I feel that if my mind was caught up on something other than the assignment, then I wouldn't be giving it my all.
7. As mentioned above, my patterns for attending are pretty much self- explanatory. Anything related to school work is deep attentive, and anything for pleasure is more hyper-attentive. I don't think the numbers reflect reflect how I would characterize myself in my patterns for attending.
Safe place, no judgement.
3 years ago
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