Monday, April 13, 2009

Blog #20- Schematic for Structure of Web- essay

To make it clear to everyone, my focus of my hypertext essay is:
The benefits that integrating technology in the classroom have on children and their abilities to become autonomous beings.

Ok, so, our goal with this blog is to let it be known how we want our hypertext essay to look, the design of it. Since it is nearly impossible to draw an image on the blogger, I'm just going to type it out.

As I mentioned in an earlier blog, I plan on having an outline format for my hypertext essay. The reason for this is that the information will originate from a central page, then at the top of that page, will be links so that users can easily navigate their way to the different nodes that will provide more information. No matter which page the user is on, the same set of links will appear on the banner of the page.

Welcome Screen:
On the welcome screen will be general information related to my topic, basically introducing my focus. A definition of what literacy is, will also be seen on this page.
Visuals: picture of a classroom, teacher, and children (somewhere on webpage)

1st node- Technology Literacy defined:
On this page, I will have the definition of what technology literacy is.
Visuals: Here, I will have a character (person) with question marks surrounding their head as if they are confused. This image will appear on top, before the definition of technology literacy is defined. Then there will be a picture of a person with a light bulb, signifying that the definition of technology literacy turned on the switch and they now know the meaning behind the word. Lastly, I'll put a pictures of technology running across the bottom of the page.

2nd node- Government saying literacy is skill? Isn't it social practice?
Information regarding the above questions will appear on this page.
Visuals: political images (might be displayed-- not quite sure yet)

3rd node- Technology literacy as a social practice:
Information regarding technology literacy in a group setting (social practice) will be displayed here.
Visuals: Pictures of children on computers in a classroom. Student collaborating with one another.

4th node- What technologies provide the most student autonomy and how are they used? What makes them beneficial to the teacher and to the student?:
On this page, the bulk of the information for my research topic will be located. I will talk about the two technologies researched that can help promote student autonomy will be displayed here.
Visuals: Again, children on the computer in a classroom will be a great image. If I can find images of the two technologies I talk about on this page, I will post them here as well (Two technologies mentioned are: Thinking Reader and Wireless Classroom Microphones).

5th node- Students' Role in the technology supported classroom:
Here information on the way in which a students' role is changed if the classroom has technology in it, will be depicted on this page. When there is technology in the classroom, students have to be more careful and aware of their surroundings.
Visuals: Again, students working on the computers will be a good picture to put. Students teaching other students what the are learning could also be a good picture (if I can find it).

6th node- Teachers' Role in the technology supported classroom:
On this page, information on how the teacher role is changed once technology is incorporated into the classroom will appear. With out technology, the teacher takes on a particular role, but when technology is introduced, a new role is given to the teacher.
Visuals: Pictures of a teacher amongst children, rather then in the front of the class lecturing the children, will best emphasize the point I bring out in this node.

Conclusions: This will be the last informational node of my hypertext essay and it will be where all of the points are wrapped up. Everything will come together in this slide.
Visuals: I plan on putting numerous pictures of students, teachers, technology, visuals of technology being used in a classroom, etc.

References: In this final node, I will list the references I used to come to the conclusion that I have made. Sources will follow MLA standards and will appear alphabetically.
Visuals: Pictures of books and the computer (to represent internet sources) will be displayed throughout this page.

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