Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Blog #11- Audience, Purpose, and Focus of Hypertext Essay

So I've changed my topic, yet again. I am now back to the concept that I am posting on, for my Wikipedia article. That is, technology in the classroom.

Questions on Page 19:
1. The people who use the website will be teachers, future teachers, school administration, and even parents.
2. The users will be either in a classroom, an office, or on their home computers. Most users will be computer literate and the information will be easy to access and in small bits rather than large chunks of information.
3. If the users are teachers, they might want information from the website on different ways they can use technology in the classroom. Possible website suggestions will be offered for them to later incorporate in their classrooms. If the user is parents than they might research what a particular technology is that their children are using in their classroom.
4. The text of the site addresses the users because it is a place where teachers can get information and ideas of how to use different technology in the classroom. A lot of teachers use simple technology, yet there are more advance ways that can get more of a good vibe from.
5. The graphics on the webpage could be pictures of the examples of technology that can be found in the classroom. Lots of times new material is unclear if we don’t have a visual aid to help elaborate on the discussion at hand. For example, wireless microphone technology would be an example that I would have, so maybe I could have a pictures of how the system looks like or a video of a classroom that uses it.

I want to make a hypertext essay on technology usage in the classroom and how students benefit from different types of technology.


My website will be designed for teachers and other professionals in the education field. While at my web page they will be able to get insightful information on new technology that they can use in the classroom to enhance the education.


The purpose of my website is to provide the information that all teachers are looking for. Teachers are constantly looking for new ways to enhance their lesson plans to help the children engage more, and sometimes don't know where they can resort to. If they visit my website, they will be provided with some interesting techniques and new technologies that they may want to consider.

-Linear (w/ nodes)

Navigation Devices:
-In-text link
-Navigation bar
-Forward/backward; up/down; previous/next
-table of contents (maybe-- not sure on this one yet)

Some websites that might help in my website are:

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