Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Blog #13- Research Plan (Revised)

Focus: Education and Technology

Statement of Purpose: Through my research, I hope to discover the benefits that technology brings to the process of students becoming autonomous in the classroom.

Detailed statement of your research question: What are the benefits that technology provides to allow student autonomy and what specific technologies provide the greatest autonomy?

List of the information you need to gather:
- What types of technology are the most beneficial in allowing students to become autonomous?
- What features of the technology help the students want to learn?
- What levels/ kinds of technology will work best? Why do some work and others don’t? What makes the successful technologies work?

A preliminary list of sources:

Gordon, David. T. Better Teaching and Learning in the Digital Classroom. Harvard Education Press: Cambridge, Ma, 2003.

Vrasidas, Charalambos, ed. A Volume in Current Perspectives on Applied Information Technologies: Preparing Teachers to Teach with Technology. Connecticut: Information Age Publishing, 2005.

Effects of Technology on Classrooms and Students. Technology and Education Reform, 11 March 2009 html>.

Adams, Sharon and Mary Burns. Connecting Student Learning and Technology. 1999. 22 March 2009. .

McGhee, Ray. New Teacher and Student Roles in the Technology- Supported Classroom. 2003. 22 March 2009. .

Plan for gathering your information:
I plan on looking through education journals that are located online as well as through textbooks dealing with technology in the classroom. I feel that doing a Google search just won’t be enough and won’t give me the broad range of information that I need to cover this topic.

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