Statement of Purpose: Through my research, I hope to discover the benefits that technology brings to the process of students becoming autonomous in the classroom.
Detailed statement of your research question: What are the benefits that technology provides to allow student autonomy and what specific technologies provide the greatest autonomy?
List of the information you need to gather:
- What types of technology are the most beneficial in allowing students to become autonomous?
- What features of the technology help the students want to learn?
- What levels/ kinds of technology will work best? Why do some work and others don’t? What makes the successful technologies work?
A preliminary list of sources:
Gordon, David. T. Better Teaching and Learning in the Digital Classroom. Harvard Education Press: Cambridge, Ma, 2003.
Vrasidas, Charalambos, ed. A Volume in Current Perspectives on Applied Information Technologies: Preparing Teachers to Teach with Technology. Connecticut: Information Age Publishing, 2005.
Effects of Technology on Classrooms and Students. Technology and Education Reform, 11 March 2009
Adams, Sharon and Mary Burns. Connecting Student Learning and Technology. 1999. 22 March 2009.
McGhee, Ray. New Teacher and Student Roles in the Technology- Supported Classroom. 2003. 22 March 2009.
Plan for gathering your information:
I plan on looking through education journals that are located online as well as through textbooks dealing with technology in the classroom. I feel that doing a Google search just won’t be enough and won’t give me the broad range of information that I need to cover this topic.
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