Sunday, March 1, 2009

Blog #9- Produsage

So, how does the concept of produsage connects to : 1) the features of the internet; 2) internet mindsets (as set forward by Lankshear & Knobel); 3) the concept of remediation; 4) the ideas underpinning the intensive information exchange for flash mobs; and finally, the community that underpins Wikipedia itself.

After trekking my way through the Produsage article, I am able to come to some common ground as to what all of the articles have in common. I will go into specifics within my post, but the bottom line is that we are all producers and consumers.

The Produsage article talks about people being producers and consumers. In terms of the features of the internet, there a few different aspects to show how we are producers and consumers.

#1- Features of the internet- First off, think of the internet and all the possibilities that are out there. There are websites to research different material, online shopping, online banking, etc., which make those consumer based websites. On the flip side, if you look at websites that give research material, such as Wikipedia, than that is a website that can be both consumer based and producer based. On Wikipedia, an average citizen is a producer when they come up with an article to write about and they post it. That same citizen can then go onto Wikipedia and look up an article. Some of the other features of the internet are anonymity, interactivity, and immediacy. Anonymity is seen on blog websites where the user name is concealed or even on social networking websites where photos of the profile is "privacy protected." In terms of interactivity, there are so many websites that people can go on where they are connecting with the outside world: social networking websites, blogs, forums, chat rooms, etc. And lastly, immediacy, is a key factor of the internet. As long as you have a good internet connection, you can have information at your fingertips.

#2- Internet mindsets (as set by Lankshear and Knobel)- There are different discourses in which each and every one of us belong to. Our Primary Discourse is how we learn to do and be. How did we learn how to be producers and consumers on the internet. Most likely from peer influences or watching those around us (such as teaching in a technology class, older siblings, parents, etc.). Our Second Discourse (and we each have many of these, although they differ from person to person) are those we are recruited to through participation in outside groups and institutions, such as schools, clubs, workplaces, churches, political organizations, and so on. Think of how you became a member of the social networking websites. Mostly likely someone in you high school or college class, told you about it, and then you signed up and joined. Another example of produsage comes with eBay. People are selling their merchandise and then other people are buying their stuff.

#3- Remediation- There are many mediums in which give us the chance to be producers and consumers. Take for instance the radio- who's to say you or I couldn't be a radio DJ, for example. If we were, than we would be a producer, but because most likely we are not, than we are consumers (just listening to whatever they are saying). The cell phone is another example- we are producers when we go to send a text message because we are typing it. Likewise, we are consumers when we receive a text message. Other examples of different mediums were we can be both producers or consumers are: print, television, and the computer.

#4- Flashmobs- The whole concept of a flash mob is still one that boggles my mind. Why would someone be the leader in organized a mass crowd. Flash mobs are both consumer based and producer based. The men and women in charge of organizing these flash mobs are sending out messages either by e-mail, text messaging, or other form that mass contact can be made. With the flash mobs example, the leader is the producer and all of the people who come to participate in the 'mob' are the consumers.

#5- The World of Wikipedia- Ever since really being introduced to Wikipedia during this course, I have seen the mass collaboration that the general public can make. So many people sign into Wikipedia daily to explore the website. Again, there are producers and consumers of the information. Those of us, who go onto the website and create an account and choose a topic to post on are considered producers. Likewise, those of us who go onto the website and read the information that is posted are being consumers.

Having said all of the information, the concept of produsage surrounds our daily life. Think of the clothes that you are wearing at the very moment. You are the consumer, because you bought them, but there are one (if not more than one) producers of your blue jeans. Everything in our lives has a producer and a consumer.

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